

Trichlor vs. Bromine: Which tablet is right for you?

During the hot summer, a refreshing and clear pool can be a great source of relaxation and fun. However, using effective pool sanitisers is important to keep the water clean and safe. Trichlor and Bromine tablets are two popular options for this purpose. In this article, we will discuss the details of these two sanitisers, including their differences, uses, and when each is most effective.

Trichlor Tablets: Outdoor and non-heated pools Bromine Tablets: The Spa and indoor pools
1 Chlorine Power: Trichlor tablets are a potent source of chlorine. They dissolve slowly, providing a steady release of chlorine into the water. This consistent chlorine presence effectively kills bacteria, algae, and other contaminants, keeping your pool safe for swimming. Better for Indoor Pools: Bromine tablets are more stable than chlorine in high-temperature environments. As a result, they are often preferred for indoor pools and spas with temperature control systems.
2 UV Protection: These tablets contain a stabilizer (cyanuric acid) that shields chlorine from the sun's harmful UV rays. This UV protection extends the life of the chlorine, ensuring it remains active and effective even under intense sunlight. Effective at Higher Temperatures: Bromine remains effective at higher water temperatures, making it ideal for hot tubs and heated pools.
3 Cost-Efficiency: Trichlor tablets' slow-dissolving nature means you don't need to add them as frequently. Compared to other chlorine products, this can lead to cost savings in the long run. Lower Odor: Bromine has a milder odour than chlorine, which can be more pleasant for the indoor pool and spa users.
4 pH Control: Trichlor tablets can help lower the pool's pH level, making chlorine more effective in sanitizing the water. No Cyanuric Acid: Unlike Trichlor tablets, bromine tablets do not contain cyanuric acid. This means you won't build up excessive stabilizer levels in your pool water, which can happen with prolonged use of Trichlor.
5 Suitable for Most Pools: Trichlor tablets are versatile and can be used in various pool types, including outdoor pools and those without temperature control. Slower Dissolving: Bromine tablets dissolve more slowly than some other pool sanitisers, reducing the frequency of tablet replacement.

When to Use Each Sanitizer

The choice between Trichlor and Bromine tablets depends on your specific pool or spa setup:

Trichlor Tablets: Use Trichlor tablets for outdoor pools, particularly those without temperature control, where the slow release of chlorine and UV protection are advantageous.

Bromine Tablets: Opt for Bromine tablets when maintaining indoor pools, spas, or hot tubs with temperature control systems, as Bromine's stability in warm water makes it the better choice.

Both Trichlor and Bromine tablets have their merits, and the choice between them hinges on your pool's type and usage. By understanding the differences and knowing when to use each sanitiser, you can keep your pool water clean, safe, and inviting year-round. Let's make a splash!