

SDS Chemical Information

What is a SDS (formerly known as MSDS)?

SDS stands for Safety Data Sheet - it is a document containing important information about a hazardous substance and must state:

  • a hazardous substance’s product name
  • the chemical and generic name of certain ingredients
  • the chemical and generic name of certain ingredients
  • the chemical and physical properties of the hazardous substance
  • health hazard information
  • precautions for safe use and handling
  • the manufacturer’s or importer’s name, Australian address and telephone number.

The SDS provides employers, self-employed persons, workers and other health and safety representatives with the necessary information to safely manage the risk from hazardous substance exposure. It is important that everyone in the workplace knows how to read and interpret a SDS. You can read more information about SDS's at the Safe Work Australia website or click here.

To download the pdf version please click on the SDS you require below. Please note you will need Adobe PDF reader to view these. You can download and install the Adobe PDF Reader here.